Official Website of the United States Naval Academy Graduating Class of 1974, Annapolis, Maryland

Beat Army!



Photos are loosely organized by decade under the links below. If you have any to share send them to in JPG format. Please include captions and dates.

50th Reunion

45th Reunion

40th Reunion

David Harding '77 Photo Album
A large selection of USNA photos from 73-77

35th Reunion
Congressman Sestak and Alumni
30th Reunion




Memorial Service for Bob, Sturbridge, MA, July 25, 2021. Attended by many of his 11th company classmates and Chuck Primm.
Photos by Elaine Carlson

Denny Crowe, Lee Hutchison, Steve Brookman, Bill Fogler
Back: Don Baldwin, Bill Flader, Eric Carlson, Lance Anderson

Ladies join us
Front row: Carol VerSchure, Catherine Hutchison, Elaine Carlson, Diane VerSchure
Back: Louise Crowe, Susan Baldwin
Lee had asked that this photo be posted in memory of Bob, now sadly, it is for him also. Lee passed away on 10/25/2021.
In memory of Bob Verschure, friend and companymate, who passed away January 2021.
Bob, Lee Hutchison, Santa, Steve Brookman, Lance Anderson, Bill Fogler
Reporting for fligh training, Pensacola Beach, 1974

Gehrig and Dorothy Wiles celebrate Navy’s Liberty Bowl victory (20-17 ) in Memphis, 12/31/2019

Kyle Martin and Shawn Smith, roommates during our stay at Annapolis, reunited for a few days in Maui. Attached picture was taken at Mama’s fish House on the North shore of Maui. The week included sailing to watch the whales which are quite active in January as well as a few rounds of golf including the PGA course of Kapalua - now of the PGA Champions Tour. we need to have a class reunion here !!

Kyle Martin, Adell Martin, Kim Smith, and Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith sends: Kyle Martin (74) and I were roommates all four years at Annapolis and manage to stay in touch over the years.  We got together and made a trip to Scotland to test our skills on the various courses.  The trip was on both of our 'bucket lists' and went with a group of eight, the 6 others being non-boat-schoolers. We played St Andrews, as you can see by the picture on the famous Swilcan Bridge.   We also played 11 other courses including Turnberry and Prestwich - the home of the "THE OPEN".  Played 12 rounds in nine days and enjoyed being together again since we do not live that close to one another. Kyle lives near Kansas City and I am in Virginia Beach.  You can see we managed to take along our Navy caps for the photos.    \
We are looking forward to the Reunion in October. Cheers.

Sunset at with St Andrews in the background

Sharing the The Open's Claret Jug

On the famous Swilcan Bridge at St Andrew's 18th hole
Memorial Service for Tommy McMullen and Timmy Supko June 13, 2013

Greg Gilmore sends:
Claaaasmates: I just wanted to followup my visit back to the Boat School for the memorial service for Tim and Tommy yesterday afternoon, with a note of sincere appreciation for the opportunity. Though informal as it may have been, it was really a beautiful and fitting tribute to a couple of great guys we are all better off for having known. Erin and I agreed that it was very touching. A special thanks to John, Frank and Marty (and others) who worked behind the scenes to coordinate with official powers-to-be and notifying several like myself, some of whom travelled quite a ways. It was a class act and I was proud to be a part of it. Well done! And as always, it was really great to see everyone and be reminded, as I often am, of what a great institution Navy is---made up of the best guys on the planet. Although I didn't take may pictures, I did get a few good ones. Below is a compilation of those. Again, thanks for including me as a more distant India/25th Company relative.

VADM Michael Miller '74, 61st USNA Superintendent

Pictured from left to right:  Keith Smith, William (Blackie) Blackburn, Anthony (Gino) Giancatarino, Dave Teply , Charlie Humphreys; VADM Michael Miller, and Rusty Yeiser.

Several members of the Class of ’74 were on hand to welcome our classmate, and 61st Superintendent of our Alma Mater, to Philadelphia on Monday evening April 4, 2011. VADM Michael Miller was the special guest speaker at the Navy League of the United States, Philadelphia Council’s First Quarter Dinner event at the Hyatt, Penn’s Landing in downtown Philly. Rob Bender (73) President of the Philadelphia Council was kind enough to arrange for  the 74 crew to sit together with the Sup.  Mike did a very impressive job of presenting  his vision for promoting “excellence” at the Academy, and his focus on Honor, Integrity and responsibility. In addition to his presentation, we got a chance to reminisce a little over dinner. Also gracing our table was Gino’s spouse, Marie, our 1974 “Color Girl” and the Honorable Ronald D. Castille Chief Justice of Pennsylvania (USMC ret). It was a nice evening and it was a pleasure sharing stories with our last classmate on active duty. It is hard to believe Mike still has his “69 Jaguar, but harder to believe he still thinks he has to park it out by the seawall!

On 11 Dec we celebrated Dan Driscoll’s 60th Birthday and viewed the Army-Navy FB game from the Spinnaker Restaurant (Tim MacDonald owner- Dan’s friend from St. Ignatius HS) in beautiful Sausalito, California.  There were over 75 relatives, immediate family (brothers Marty and Jerry, sister Julie and brother Larry in spirit), High School and Grammar School friends and USNA grads (72, 74,75 and 76) in attendance.

40th Anniversary Induction Day Picnic

Most of the attendees, some of us were AWOL, as before.

The Supe (our Mike Miller) and Cool Earle

Fogler and McNallen

Denny Crowe, Don Baldwin, Steve Hill visiting at Denny's condo in N. Myrtle Beach. Denny says that you won't believe that this was photo-shopped and that all 3 weren't really together at the same time!

Roamer sends: Ken Dunn played Gary Lane (USNA 2000 Starting Guard) in one on one.  They both sucked.  Stevie Wonder would beat either of them.  Notice in the clips some of KD's defensive moves, he played like a linebacker.  Gary weighs 250, and he was worse.  KD will be in the hot tub for weeks!  KD and I will play a few guys on 2 on 2. wish us luck!

Viz's 74 Summer Party 2008

Dave Antanitus in Zimbabwe 2008

Congressman Sestak and his USNA 74 Classmates at the 110th Congressional Swearing-In
(4 January 2007
(For a higher resolution shot click on photo-for more pics click here.)
TJ Anderson, Rick Parkington, Bill Mason ( in back), Mick Halbreiner (in
Navy Blue & Gold windbreaker), Jim Diehl , R. Tim Schnoor (behind Diehl), Ken Marr,
the ubiquitous Morgan Ames, Bill Wilde (behind Morgan),
The Honorable Joseph A. ("Joe" Sestak, Jr. (Dem-PA-07),
Dave Stone, Tom Luketich, Steve Middleton, Steve Jasper, Bill Readdy,
Ken Dunn, Tom Minor, Doug Rau,
and the "prototypical Congressional Campaign Manager" -- Bill Walsh
Hutchison, Brookman and Hutch's son, Jackson. Army-Navy 06
Blackie at ArmyNavy 06
Blackburn at Army-Navy 06
What's with that poster??

Andy Scontras & Al Lerchbacker at the Honolulu
Greek Festival

JL Ward & his wife Karen in Maui

Scontras & Lerchbacker

Dave Herther, John Scherrer, Jim Gallo, Ross Schmidt
22nd Company guys at the Navy Air Force football game (2005)

Brent James & family

The beginning and the end; Youngster cruise and retirement!

Bill Walsh assumes command of USS Monterey (CG-61)
Left to right: Bob Holt, Jim Deppe, Chris Perrien (kneeling), Steve Middleton, "LCDR McHale," Bill Walsh, Dan Steward, Tom Luketich, Doug Rau, Ken Dunn

Army Navy party in KC 2004

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